Now girls aren’t very different from guys when it comes to that first date. When a girl goes on a date with a guy, she’d want to see a happy sign that the guy is enjoying himself on the date. And even more so, she’d want to see a big sign that proves that the guy likes her a lot! But here comes the tricky part, that plays the big difference between men and women, and that first kiss on the first date. A guy likes to sow, while a girl likes to take it. Evolutionally speaking, a man can prepare himself for sex and procreation every few hours, whereas a woman takes nine months to conceive and be ready for procreation again. It’s this evolutionary fact that subconsciously makes a woman take time to decide if a man is worth the effort and the time. So the harder the man woos and pursues a woman *to prove just how awesome he is!*, the sooner the girl would fall in love with him and show her appreciation for him in return. [Read: Evolution and why men love particular parts of a woman’s body so much!] Is a kiss on the first date that big a deal? Kissing on a first date can feel really good, but at the same time, there’s no going back from the first kiss. It may leave one or both of you wondering if things are going too fast. You may wonder if you actually like the person you dated or was that kiss an accidental mistake that you come to regret. You need to remember that many people may not be comfortable with the idea of kissing someone they’ve been with only for a few hours. Of course, if you’re living in a big city where life is fast-paced and people don’t have time to take it slow and easy, you may see that kissing on the first date is more of a norm than an awkward thing to do at the end of the date. [Read: 16 first date tips for guys to charm your date. But generally, even if there was a great potential of a perfect romance, that first kiss could complicate things and make you hasty, because you’d want to judge this person as a potential partner even before you get to know them well. On the other hand, some guys or girls you date could see the first kiss on the first date as a sign of commitment! And they may start behaving like your partner on the very next date, which can make things so darn awkward, especially if they still feel like a stranger to you. Or it could get worse if they’re expecting another kiss or something more on the second date because you kissed them on the first date! [Read: 16 first date tips for girls to dazzle your date
Approach the subject as a team. Sexual performance can be a sensitive subject. Bring up the topic by telling your partner that you value them and the intimacy you share. Let them know that you don’t see it as something they have to fix on their own . Rather, tell them that you want to work on your sex life as a team . You could say, “ This isn’t just on you - we should work together to make our sex life the best it can be. Plus, I’m excited to work on pleasing each other as much as possible . Avoid assigning blame . Try to be optimistic and constructive instead of making your partner feel like there’s something wrong with them. Say something like, “I care about you and want you to know I’m not judging you in any way. I know we can work together to build our physical and emotional intimacy. Be open and patient about trying out new techniques. Ask your partner what they think might work. Do your best to keep the conversation honest but low- pressure . Have...
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