Approach the subject as a team. Sexual performance can be a sensitive subject. Bring up the topic by telling your partner that you value them and the intimacy you share. Let them know that you don’t see it as something they have to fix on their own . Rather, tell them that you want to work on your sex life as a team . You could say, “ This isn’t just on you - we should work together to make our sex life the best it can be. Plus, I’m excited to work on pleasing each other as much as possible . Avoid assigning blame . Try to be optimistic and constructive instead of making your partner feel like there’s something wrong with them. Say something like, “I care about you and want you to know I’m not judging you in any way. I know we can work together to build our physical and emotional intimacy. Be open and patient about trying out new techniques. Ask your partner what they think might work. Do your best to keep the conversation honest but low- pressure . Have...
Relax and encourage yourself. Anxiety and self-doubt are major mood killers, so try to be optimistic. Approaching sex with confidence, self-respect, and a positive attitude can make all the difference for both you and your partner. Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts about your performance, think to yourself, “Sam, finishing fast is common and you shouldn’t get down on yourself. You can deal with this. Referring to yourself by name can be more effective when practicing positive self-talk. Image titled Make Sex Last Longer Work on lasting longer during masturbation. Trying to reach climax as quickly as possible during masturbation can train your body to expect a quick finish.[4] Masturbating a few times a week and a couple hours before sex can help delay climax, especially if you practice lasting longer when you masturbate. Image titled Make Sex Last Longer Start doing pelvic floor exercises. Exercising the muscles that control ejaculation can help you last l...